MINTS International Seminary (MINTS)

PS78 Teacher Education Program (PS78-TEP)

Master of Christian Education, Concentration in Christian School Education

Study Team Facilitator Guide

2024 - current

(EDITION 11–22–2024)

About This Guide

This Guide contains information for experienced teachers, administrators, or community leaders desiring to establish a local Study Center and lead a group of students--a Study Team--through the PS78 Teacher Education Program. It does not attempt to address information already covered in the Student Handbook. Any conflicts in language between this guide and the Student Handbook will be resolved in favor of the language in the Student Handbook.

What is a PS78-TEP Study Team Facilitator?

  1. An unpaid volunteer who agrees to facilitate a Study Team that meets at a local Teacher Education Study Center to complete the PS78-TEP course of study.
  2. A professing Christian who is a member in good standing of a local evangelical church that has a Statement of Faith consistent with that of PS78-TEP.

What are the responsibilities of a Study Team Facilitator?

  1. Apply online to become a PS78-TEP Study Team Facilitator (See LINK below). Once your application is approved, complete the steps below.
  2. Recruit and register a group of at least four students as the first PS78-TEP Study Team Cohort at your Teacher Education Study Center.
  3. Ensure that EACH student has completed the Online Application Form (See LINK on Website Front Page) and scanned and submitted the supporting documentation needed for admission to the MCE Program; the documents to be submitted include:
    • A completed Pastoral Reference Form from their current pastor (available online).
    • A completed Academic Reference Form from a former teacher or a current colleague, mentor, teacher, or principal (available online.)
    • A copy of the student’s government photo identification document.
    • A two- to three-page personal testimony that includes: a) how and when the student became a Christian, b) how the student grew in their faith and what helped them along the way, c) details on teaching and or ministry experience the student has had (e.g., teaching, speaking, evangelism, leadership, etc.), d) details on the student’s possible call to teaching, e) what God has been doing in the student’s heart, and f) why the student believes the PS78 Teacher Education Program may be helpful and what the student hopes to gain from the experience.
    • Copies of their Secondary Education (high school) diploma, undergraduate college degree, and transcripts, certificates, or diplomas from any post-secondary degrees earned.
    1. Ensure that students have the necessary English language proficiency and technological skills, equipment, and access to study in an English-language-based online learning program.
    2. Collect and maintain current contact information (phone number, What’s App, Email, etc.) for all students.
    3. Communicate with students to arrange a date and time for a four-hour orientation meeting. During this meeting, complete the following tasks:
      • Provide all students with a copy of the PS78-TEP Student Handbook and review it with them. The Handbook includes policies regarding Christian lifestyle, dispute resolution, a code of ethics, a statement of faith, and student privacy concerns. Students and Study Team Facilitators are asked to sign the “Terms of Agreement” statement found in the Handbook.
      • Discuss and decide on dates, times, and places for remaining Study Team meetings. Study Teams may progress through the courses as quickly or as slowly as they desire; however, all courses must be completed eight months after the start of the course. Present and discuss with students the PS78-TEP Study Plan Options in Appendix A of the Student Handbook. Students and Study Team Facilitators are asked to complete and sign the PS78-TEP Study Team Contract found in Appendix B of the Student Handbook.
      • Make sure all students can log on and navigate the course website, LMS.PS78TEACHERS.ORG. Present and guide students through the first EDUCATION course (EDU 600 Lesson 1) and the first BIBLE course (BIB 500 Lesson 1).
      1. Monitor LMS.PS78TEACHERS.ORG to ensure that students regularly log on to complete assignments. Qualified facilitators (PS78-TEP Graduates) will be given online access to grade the students' written assignments and projects using the rubrics provided. This will generally include the Lesson Review Questions and Reading Study Guide Questions, the Study Team Assignment, and the Application Assignment
      2. Supervise online final exams for each course at the local Study Center. The Facilitator should confirm the identity of each student taking the exam. Students should work independently without help from the facilitator or other students. No notes or study aids should be used while taking the exam. Students are not allowed to copy exam questions or answers. Quizzes and Exams are graded and reported automatically in the online grade book at LMS.PS78TEACHERS.ORG.
      3. Arrange for an appropriate graduation ceremony to honor students who successfully complete all PS78-TEP requirements. Upon submission of a Certification of Completion Form (see Handbook), a diploma will be issued by MINTS and PS78-TEP.

      What fees are associated with PS78-TEP?

      PS78-TEP does not charge a fee for any course; local Study Centers, however, should stipulate a minimal per-credit-hour fee to cover Study Center expenses only (e.g., room rental, electricity, copy cost, facilitator travel stipend, etc.). No fees shall be used to provide a salary for Study Team Facilitators. Reasonable reimbursement for facilitator travel costs is allowed. A PS78-TEP Study Center must operate as a non-profit organization.

      What is the Study Team Facilitator’s Relationship to PS78-TEP?

      The Study Team Facilitator is not a PS78-TEP faculty member, employee, or contractor and has no authority to make decisions for PS78Teachers or bind PS78Teachers in any way. While the Facilitator must agree to abide by the Student Handbook and the terms of this Guide, PS78Teachers has no authority over the actions or statements of the Study Team Facilitator.

      Resolving Conflicts

      PS78-TEP is a Christian program. As such, the PS78-TEP staff asked that the biblical commands to make every effort to live at peace and to resolve disputes with each other in private or within the Christian church (see Matthew 18:15-20; 1 Corinthians 6:1-8) be followed by all participants. Therefore, any claim or dispute arising from or related to the matters described in this Guide shall be settled by mediation and, if necessary, legally binding arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Christian Conciliation of the Institute for Christian Conciliation, a division of Peacemaker Ministries.


      If the Study Team Facilitator ceases to participate in the PS78-TEP for any reason (including a decision by PS78Teachers to end the Facilitator's participation), the PS78-TEP staff will work with students to speedily process the application of a new Facilitator. However, PS78-TEP staff is not responsible for locating a replacement Facilitator.

      While PS78Teachers has no intention of suspending or terminating the PS78-TEP, we recognize the uncertainties inherent in offering an online program globally. For that reason, PS78Teachers has reserved the right to suspend, modify, or terminate the PS78-TEP at any time without any further obligation to the Facilitator or Study Team participants. We would, in that event, work with the students to develop a transition plan or alternative.

      Click to complete the PS78-TEP Study Team Facilitator Application.

      Last modified: Saturday, 23 November 2024, 4:37 PM